Minor Atrocities of the Twentieth Century
Alphabetical Index
Site Index
Here are just a few wars, oppressions and disturbances worldwide of the 20th Century which caused fewer than 6,000 deaths:
- United States Lynchings (1900-50)
- 1952 World Almanac and Book of Fact, citing Tuskegee Inst. (sum of
years 1900-50)
- Whites: 195
- Negroes: 1,791
- TOTAL: 1,986
- Linder [http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/shipp/lynchstats.html]
- 1882-1899: 2,743 = 1,098 whites + 1,645 blacks
- 1900-1964: 1,999, incl. 1,800 blacks + 197 whites
- Macedonia (1903)
- Revolt against the Turks
- Gilbert, A History of the Twentieth Century
- 1,000 rebels k. in battle
- 4,700 villagers k. by Turks in retribution
- Robert Kaplan, Balkan Ghosts (1993): 4,694 civilians and 994
guerrillas killed.
- Uruguay (1904)
- Govt. vs. Conservatives/Blancos
- Small & Singer: 1,000 battle deaths
- Eckhardt: 1,000
- Tibet (1904)
- War with UK
- Gilbert, A History of the Twentieth Century:
- Tibet: 2,700 killed
- UK: 37 dead in battle, 200 from cold and exposure
- Eckhardt: 1,000
- Zulu Revolt (1905)
- Cambridge History of Africa: 1,000-4,000
- Coquery-Vidrovitch, Africa : endurance..., 1988: 3,000
- Gilbert: 3,000
- Eckhardt: 1,000 civ. + 3,000 mil. = 4,000
- Kenya (1905)
- Cambridge History of Africa
- Nandi vs UK: 600 warriors k.
- Gusi vs UK: 400 natives k.
- Bali (1906)
- Puputan Massacre: 3,600 k. in Denpasar by Dutch (Britannica)
- Nigeria (1906)
- British punitive expedition against Satiru: 2,000 massacred (Pakenham,
The Scramble for Africa)
- Central American Wars (1906-07)
- 1906
- Small & Singer
- Guatemala: 400
- Honduras: 300
- El Salvador: 300
- TOTAL: 1,000
- Eckhardt: 1,000
- 1907
- Singer
- Nicaragua: 400
- El Salvador: 300
- Honduras: 300
- TOTAL: 1000
- Eckhardt: 1,000
- Persia (1908-09)
- Govt. vs. Constitutionalists
- Singer: 1,100 battle deaths, including 100 Russians
- Eckhardt: 1,000
- Paraguay (1911-12)
- Govt vs. Liberals
- Singer: 2,000 battle deaths
- Eckhardt: 2,000
- Cuba (1912)
- Encylopedia Americana (2003): 3,000 non-whites k. in revolt of Ivonet &
- Tibet (1912-13)
- War with China: 2,000 (Eckhardt)
- Ireland (1916-22)
- Easter Uprising 1916
- Gilbert
- Rebels: 64 KIA + 15 executed
- UK: >100 KIA
- Civilians: >200
- [TOTAL: >379]
- Our Times: >450
- Clodfelter: 318-450 rebels + 132 Crown k. [= 450-682]
- BBC: 3,000 k. in Irish Civil War [http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/A698862]
- Clodfelter
- War of Independence (1919-21): 566 Crown + 196 Irish k.
- Civil War (1922-23): 667 recorded dead
- Charles Townshend, The British Campaign in Ireland 1919-1921 (1975)
cites the Irish Official Statistics of Outrages 1919-21:
- Police killed: 405
- Miltary killed: 150
- Civilians killed: 196
- TOTAL: 751
- Dorothy Macardle, The Irish Republic (1937)
- "Killed on the Irish side":
- 1 Jan. 1919-12 June 1921: 752
- 21 June 1920-18 June 1922: 428
- Govt. losses, July & Aug. 1922: 540k
- She also lists 117 executions by name.
- Morocco (1916-17)
- Civil War w/ French intervention
- Eckhardt: 1,000 civ. + 1,000 mil. = 2,000
- Russian Revolution (1917)
- Eckhardt: 1,000 civ. + 1,000 mil. = 2,000
- Tibet (1918)
- War with China : 1,000 (Eckhardt)
- Nigeria (1918)
- Egba Uprising: 1,000 rebels k. (Cambridge History of Africa)
- Haiti (1915-20)
- Péralte Rebellion
- Jan Rogozinski, A Brief History of the Caribbean (1994): 3,071
Haitians and 13 USAns killed, 1918-20
- Robert Heinl, Written in Blood : The Story of the Haitian People
1492-1995 (1996):
- "conservative estimate": 2,250 Cacos k.
- Schmidt: 3,250
- Gaillard: 15,000
- John E. Fagg, Cuba, Haiti & the Dominican Republic (1965):
- Max Boot, The Savage Wars of Peace: 2,250 Cacos k (marines official
toll) + 13 US Marines + 27 Haitian gendarmes
- 3rd Anglo-Afghan War (1919)
- Ludwig Adames, Dictionary of Afghan Wars, Revolutions and Insurgencies
(1996): 236 UK KIA + 566 other UK dead
- OnWar.com: 1,000 Afgh. + 2,000 UK = 3,000
- Civil War w/ French [sic] intervention: 1,000 mil. (Eckhardt) [French?]
- Germany (1919)
- Spartacist Revolt: 1,200 revolutionaries killed in Berlin (Our Times;
- Bavaria: 1,000 revolutionaries killed in Munich (Gilbert)
- Franco-Syrian War (1920)
- Poland-Lithuania War (1920)
- USA, Chicago gangster war (1920s)
- Honduras (1924)
- Govt. vs. Conservatives: 1,000 (S&S, Eckhardt)
- Sino-Soviet War (1929)
- Singer:
- USSR: 200
- China: 3,000
- TOTAL: 3,200
- Eckhardt: 3,000 mil.
- Peru, Aprista Uprising (1932)
- Marley: 50 loyalists executed by rebels; 1,000 rebels executed by
- Skidmore: 50 loyalists, 1-6,000 rebels executed
- Brazil (1932)
- Govt. vs. Paolistas: 1,000 (Singer, Eckhardt)
- Nicaragua, Sandino Rebellion (1926-33)
- Max Boot, The Savage Wars of Peace: 47 USAns KIA, total of 136 US
d. of all causes. Officially, 75 Nic. national guardsman k. No est. of
Sandinista deaths.
- Iraq (1933)
- Kurds massacre Christians: 1,000 (Eckhardt)
- Spain (1934)
- Govt. vs. Asturias Miners:
- Singer: 1,200
- Eckhardt: 3,000 civ.
- Germany, Austria (1934)
- Fascist Govt. vs. Socialists (Eckhardt)
- Germany: 1,000 civ.
- Austria: 1,000 civ. + 1,000 mil. = 2,000
- Palestine(1936-39)
- Arab Revolt: 5,032 Palestinians k. + 146 hanged [http://middleeastreference.org.uk/Chronology.html]
- Manchuria, Changkufeng Incident (1938)
- Singer:
- USSR: 1,200
- Japan: 526
- TOTAL: 1,726
- Franco-Thai War (1940-41)
- Singer:
- France: 700
- Thailand: 700
- TOTAL: 1,400
- Eckhardt: 2,000 civ. + 2,000 mil. = 4,000
- Iran (1945-47)
- Soviet occupation of Azerbaijan: 2,000 (B&J)
- Palestine (1945-48)
- Irgun v. UK
- Paul Johnson: 347 killed, Aug.1945-Sept.1947
- WPA3: 223 UK soldiers KIA, 1946-48
- Paraguay (1947)
- Govt. vs. Leftists
- Singer, Eckhardt: 1,000
- Clodfelter: 4,000
- Yemen (1948)
- Govt. vs. Yahya Family: 4,000 (Singer, Eckhardt)
- Costa Rica (1948)
- Govt. vs. National Union Party
- B&J: 1,000
- Marley: 1,600
- Singer: 2,000
- Eckhardt: 1,000 civ. + 1,000 mil. = 2,000
- India (1948)
- Hyderabad
- Singer: 1,000 Indian troops KIA
- B&J: 800 Indians KIA
- Eckhardt: 1,000 civ. + 1,000 mil. = 2,000
- Thailand (1948-77)
- WHPSI: 1,570 deaths by pol. viol. (1948-77)
- Cuba (1952-59)
- Batista regime (1952-59)
- Mario Lazo, Dagger in the Heart : American Policy Failures in Cuba
(1968), calls Castro's charge that 20,000 were killed by Batista a "cynical
falsehood". He says "total deaths ... not more than 900 on both
- Mid-Century World, Newsweek (1970) believes the accusation: 20,000
executions in 2 years. (This is probably the only mainstream American source
that does. Most simply ignore it.)
- Hugh Thomas, Cuba, or, the pursuit of freedom (1971, 1988):
1,500-2,000 deaths as a direct consequence of the political crisis, 1952-58,
including war.
- Gilbert: 2,000 deaths in 6 years of war and punitive actions.
- Civil War, 1958-59:
- B&J: 5,000
- Singer: 5,000 battle deaths, 1958-59
- Eckhardt: 2,000 civ. + 3,000 mil. = 5,000 (1958-59)
- WHPSI: 3,977 deaths from political violence, 1956-63
- Bolivia (1952)
- Govt. vs. Leftists
- WHPSI: 1,500
- Singer: 2,000
- Eckhardt: 1,000 civ. + 1,000 mil. = 2,000
- Clodfelter: 3,000
- Tunisia (1952-56)
- Independence from France
- Eckhardt: 3,000 civ. (1952-54)
- B&J: 2,000 civ. (1952-56)
- Morocco (1953-56)
- Independence from France: 3,000 civ. (Eckhardt)
- Korea, DMZ (1953- )
- July 2003 Nat. Geographic: 1,373 k. in border skirmishes
- Taiwan, civil strife (1954-55)
- WHPSI: 4,600 (1954-55)
- Eckhardt: 5,000
- Paraguay (1954-89)
- Alfredo Stroessner regime
- According to Americas Watch, 200-400 suspected guerrillas murdered in
mid-1960s (30 March 1999 Orange County Register; 13 June 1993 Plain
- Argentina (1955)
- Overthrow of Peron
- Singer: 3,000
- Eckhardt: 2,000 civ. + 2,000 mil. = 4,000
- Encarta: 4,000
- WHPSI: 6,600
- Central America (1955)
- Nicaragua vs. Costa Rica: 1,000 (B&J)
- Cyprus (1955-59)
- WPA3
- UK: 142
- Turkish Cypriots: 84
- Greek Cypriots: 278
- B&J: 100 UK + 500 Cypriots
- 11 Nov. 2000 Times [London]: 100 British soldiers
- Morocco, King Hassan II (1956-99)
- "2005 December - Truth commission investigating human rights abuses during the rule of King Hassan II says 592 people were killed between 1956-99." (BBC, "Morocco profile", 24 January 2013)
- Central America (1957)
- Nicaragua vs. Honduras: 1,000 (B&J)
- Lebanon (1958)
- Govt. vs. Leftists
- B&J: 1,300
- Singer: 1,400
- Eckhardt: 1,000 civ. + 1,000 mil. = 2,000
- Iraq (1959-66)
- Coups:
- Govt. vs. Shammar Tribe, et al., 1959:
- WHPSI: 2,300
- Eckhardt: 1,000 civ. + 1,000 mil. = 2,000
- Small & Singer: 2,000
- 1963: 1,400 (WHPSI)
- 1966: 2,000 (WHPSI)
- Spain (1961 et seq.)
- Govt. vs. Basque separatists:
- CDI: >750
- 29 April 1999 AP: 800
- Tunisia (1961)
- War with France:
- WHPSI: 2,000
- WPA3: 1,300 Tunisians; 21 French
- Encarta: 1,300 Tunisians
- B&J: 1,000
- Sino-Indian War (1962)
- Singer:
- B&J:
- China: 1,000
- India: 2,000
- Eckhardt: 1,000 civ. + 1,000 mil. = 2,000
- WPA3: 1,383 Indians KIA; China n/a
- Malaysia (1962-65)
- Indonesia Confrontation
- B&J: 1000 k, incl 75 Brits + 600 Indonesians
- WPA3: 114 Commonwealth + 590 Indonesians
- Hartman: 114 UK + 600 Indonesians
- South Arab Fed. (1963-67)
- B&J: 1,000 k., incl. 40 UK mil.
- 11 Nov. 2000 Times [London]: 163 British soldiers
- Hartman:
- Local nationalists: 290
- British forces: 57
- Local forces: 17
- British civilians: 18
- TOTAL: 382
- WPA3: 92 UK mil. + 18 UK civ.
- Kenya (1963-67)
- Border dispute w/ Somalia
- Dan Smith: 5,000
- B&J: 4,200
- Cyprus (1963-67)
- Zambia (1964)
- Govt. vs. Lumpas
- WHPSI: 1,300 deaths from domestic violence, 1964
- Eckhardt: 1,000
- Congo-Leopoldville (1964-65)
- Stanleyville revolt
- Harff & Gurr: 1,000 to 10,000 educated Congolese, missionaries,
Europeans killed by breakaway Congolese People's Republic
- Brazil, Military Regime (1964-85)
- Political prisoners killed
- 6 Sept. 1990 Financial Times, London:
- Mass grave discovered containing 1,700 bodies, both criminals and
dissidents eliminated by regime.
- 138 people disappeared, 1969-74
- 21 Nov. 1990 San Fran. Chronicle: 300 k
- Alfred McCoy, "Dark Legacy", 20 September 1999: 266 extra-judicial killings in Brazil [http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/54a/062.html]
- 12 Oct. 1995 Chicago Tribune: 150-350 disappeared
- 4 Dec. 1998 Guardian, London: 150
- Central African Republic/Empire (1965-79)
- Bokassa's Regime:
- Rummel: 2,000 democides total
- 29 Jan. 1987 UPI: Bokassa on trial for 40 murders
- Washington Post
- 3 July 1979: troops killed 200 schoolboys for protesting the expense of
school uniforms.
- 3 June 1979: 60 youths k. in Ngaragba Prison on April 19
- Uganda (1966)
- Govt. vs. Buganda
- 2,900 (WHPSI)
- 2,000 (Singer, Eckhardt)
- Congo (Kinshasa) (1967-68)
- Mercenary Uprising: 2,000 (B&J)
- Greece, military junta (1967-74)
- student uprising at the Athens Polytechnic
- 28 June 1999 Washington Post: 50+
- 7 July 1999 Manchester Guardian Weekly: 34
- Czechoslovakia (1968)
- Prague Spring uprising
- WPA3: 70 Czechs killed
- Tina Rosenburg, The Haunted Land: 45 k
- B&J: 1,000
- Paraguay (1968-74)
- The Ache Indians began the 20th Century with 10,000 people. The population
had dropped to 2,000 by 1968 when a series of massacres killed a further 900.
(Richard Arens, ed., Genocide in Paraguay (1976); also the 30 Jan. 1977
Washington Post review of the book.)
- Harff & Gurr: 900k (1962-72)
- Iraq (1968)
- Purges by new Ba'ath Government
- PBS: 2,000 [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/longroad/etc/mind.html]
- India (1968 et seq.)
- Gov't vs. Naxalites
- Harff & Gurr: 1,000-3,000 Naxalites killed (1968-82)
- Ploughshares 2000: up to 6,000 since 1980 in Andhra Pradesh
- Sino-Soviet Border War (1969)
- Wikipedia (6/2005): 800 Chinese K+W; 60 Soviet K+W (1969)
- B&J: 3,000 (1963-69)
- Soccer War (1969)
- Singer:
- Honduras: 1200
- El Salvador: 700
- TOTAL: 1900
- WPA3: 2,000
- Hartman: 4,000
- Eckhardt: 3,000 civ. + 2,000 mil. = 5,000
- B&J: 5,000
- Northern Ireland, The Troubles (1969-98)
- According to D.Smith:
- 1970-74: 1,132
- 1975-79: 850
- 1980-84: 415
- 1985-89: 363
- 1990-94: 400
- TOTAL: 3,160
- On 20 Jan. 1998, the New York Times gave the score as 3,235.
- 16 April 1999 Irish Times
- Civilians: 1,868
- Paramilitaries
- Republican: 439
- Loyalist: 110
- Security forces
- British soldiers: 511
- Locally recruited : 504
- TOTAL: 3,506
- 22 Aug. 2000 The Herald (Glasgow): 3,304
- 11 Nov. 2000 Times [London]: 671 British soldiers
- Jordan (1970-71)
- Black September Uprising:
- Hartman cites Palestinian claims that 10,000 to 25,000 were killed.
- Singer: 2,100
- WHPSI: 2,045
- B&J: 2,000
- Eckhardt: 1,000 civ. + 1,000 mil. = 2,000
- Mexico (1970-85)
- 9 Dec. 2001 LA Times: 275+ citizens disappeared by govt. agents.
- Human Rights Watch, Mexico's National Human Rights Commission: A Critical Assessment. (Feb. 2008): "The CNDH examined 532 cases.... at least 275 individuals had been arrested, tortured, and disappeared by state forces.... [and] the other 257 individuals [may have also] been disappeared during that time."
- Juan Forero, “Details of Mexico's Dirty Wars From 1960s to 1980s Released”, Washington Post, November 22, 2006: "The report includes the names of 645 people who were disappeared by the state security apparatus.... It also includes the names of 99 people who were victims of extrajudicial executions."
- Sri Lanka (1971)
- Govt. vs. Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna:
- Hartman: 1,200
- WPA3: 1,200
- Clodfelter: 60 govt. + 1,200 JVP
- Singer: 2,000
- Eckhardt: 1,000 civ. + 1,000 mil. = 2,000
- WHPSI: 5,096
- Bolivia (1971-78)
- Military Regime under Hugo Banzer
- 14 March 1999 NY Times: 200 disappearances
- 6 May 2002
Guardian: 100 disappearances, 39 murders & >400 deaths
- Philippines, martial law under Ferdinand Marcos (1972-86)
- Alfred McCoy, "Dark Legacy: Human rights under the Marcos regime", 20 September 1999: 3,257 extra-judicial killings [http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/54a/062.html]
- including 737 Filipinos "disappeared" between 1975 and 1985
- (part of a larger civil war)
- Uruguay, Military Regime (1973-85)
- 17 April 1989 NY Times:
- 200 political prisoners disappeared, 1973-85
- 61 Tupamaro rebels KIA
- 50 soldiers/police KIA
- 4 Dec. 1998 Guardian, London: 170 disappeared by govt.
- Chile (1973-90)
- 1973 Coup
- Eckhardt: 5,000 killed in 1973 coup; 20,000 executions in 1974.
- Our Times: 5,000 (US Govt. estimate) to 30,000 (human rights
- Grenville: 5,000, perhaps 15,000
- Paul Sigmund, The Overthrow of Allende and the Politics of Chile:
1964-1976 (1977) cites
- NY Times: 2,500
- "opponents": as high as 80,000
- "more reliable estimates": 3,000-10,000
- 1 July 1999 Kansas City Star:
- CIA estimates: 2,000-10,000
- Official count by Chilean Junta: 244
- Clodfelter
- According to opposition ("probably inflated")
- Civilians: 14,800, incl. 3,000 in 1st day and 5,900 in Santiago
- Soldiers: 100 loyal to govt + 400 loyal to Pinochet
- "Military's own admission"
- 1,500 k. or executed during coup.
- 700 disappeared + 974 executed during rule.
- Paul Johnson, citing 8 Oct. 1973 Newsweek: 2,796 bodies in the
Santiago morgue.
- Gilbert: >2,500
- Skidmore: at least 2,000
- Marley: 1,500
- WHPSI: 537 deaths from political violence and 465 political
executions in 1973. Total: 1002
- St. Petersburg Times, Oct. 1, 1973: Newsweek's claim of 2,796 bodies in the
Santiago morgue came from the daughter of a morgue worker. The Newsweek reporter personally saw some 270 bodies in the morgue. The junta claimed that 284 had died in the coup, plus 10 executions.
- Pinochet regime (1973-90)
- NPR: 3,000
- Gilbert: >2,528 arrested and killed.
- Grenville: 3,000 disappearances
- February 1995 report by the Corporation for Reparation and Reconciliation [http://www.amnesty.it/AIlibtop/1996/AMR/22200196.htm]:
- Extrajudicial executions and deaths under torture: 2,095
- disappearances: 1,102
- TOTAL: 3,197
- Alfred McCoy, "Dark Legacy", 20 September 1999: 2,115 extra-judicial deaths under General Pinochet in Chile [http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/54a/062.html]
- Cyprus (1974)
- Clodfelter: 4,500-6,000 Greeks mil/civ k + 2,000-3,000 missing/presumed d.
+ 300 Turkish mil. k. [= 6,800-9,300]
- Eckhardt: 3,000 civ. + 2,000 mil. = 5,000 (1975-85)
- B&J: 5,000 (1974-78)
- John J. Mearsheimer (Aug. 1990 Atlantic Monthly): 1,500 to 5,000
- Singer:
- WHPSI: 917 deaths from political violence, 1974
- Turkey, (1975-80)
- Extremist violence
- 13 Feb. 1980 AP: 2,800 since 1975
- 12 Aug. 1980 AP:
- 1976: 82k
- 1977: 231k
- 1978: 1,170k
- 1979: >2,000k
- 1980: >1,400k "already"
- 12 Oct. 1980 NY Times: "claimed ... 2,000 lives this year"
- Bangladesh, (1975 et seq.)
- Chittagong uprising
- B&J: 3,500
- SIPRI 1997: 3,000-3,500 to 1996
- CDI: >3,000 (1975-97)
- Zaire (1977-83)
- Farmer's Rebellion, Bandundu Region (1977-78): 2,000 (24 Feb. 1978 AP;
Dan Smith)
- Kolwezi Raid (1977-78): 855 (11 July 1978 Washington Post)
- Mobutu Regime: 3-4,000 opponents killed, 1977-83 (Harff & Gurr)
- Guyana, Jonestown (1978)
- Mass suicide of the People's Temple
- Crime Library: 913 [http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial4/jonestown/]
- Iran (1978-79)
- Overthrow of the Shah
- 16 Dec. 1979 Washington Post:
- Khomeini's followers claims 60-100,000 massacred
- "American journalists who witnessed...": 5,000
- Marvin Zonis, Majestic Failure : the Fall of the Shah (1991)
estimates a maximum of 5,000 killed during the revolution. In addition, he
cites these estimates:
- Revolutionary regime: 60-100,000 "martyrs"
- Eqbal Ahmadi: 70,000
- James A Bill: 10-12,000
- Said Arjomand: 3,000
- Ervand Abrahamian: 1,000 individuals counted by name
- Singer: 7,500
- South Korea (1980)
- Kwangju Uprising
- Dictionary of 20th Century World History: 2,000 demonstrators
- Robert Oliver, History of the Korean People in Modern Times (1993):
Govt claims 200 k.; opposition claims 2,000 k.
- Jamaica (1980)
- Election violence : 1,000 civ. (Eckhardt)
- Brazil (1980)
- Bolivia, regime of Luis Garcia Meza (1980-81)
- NotiSur (citing Amn.Int.): >1,000 k. by the military [http://ssdc.ucsd.edu/news/notisur/h95/notisur.19950317.html]
- Turkey (1980-87)
- Military Regime
- 21 Jan. 1982 Financial Times (London): 12 executions, 100 shot
during arrests, 60 prisoners died in custody in first 16 months.
- Honduras (1980-88)
- 140 civilians killed by Army death squads (19 Jan. 1988 NY Times)
- Gambia (1981)
- Coup and countercoup: 1,000 (Gilbert)
- Ghana (1981-95)
- Konkomba vs Nanumba
- 1981: 1,000 (Eckhardt)
- Feb. 1993: 1,000 (14 Apr. 1994 Denver Rocky Mt. News; 17 Apr. 1994
Washington Post)
- BBC ("1994-95 ... ethnic violence"): 1,000 [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/country_profiles/1023355.stm]
- Falkland Islands War (1982)
- UK: 255 killed (Gilbert; Our Times; SIPRI 1983; Marley; 24
Dec. 1989 Arizona Republic; 11 Nov. 2000 Times [London])
- Argentina:
- SIPRI 1983: 500-700
- Gilbert: 652
- 24 Dec. 1989 Arizona Republic: 712
- Our Times: 712
- Marley: 1,000
- B&J: 1,200 Total
- Senegal (1982- )
- Govt. vs. Movement of the Democratic Forces of the Casamance
- 23 May 1999 Denver Rocky Mtn News: 1,000
- Ploughshares 2000: 1,200
- Zimbabwe, Mugabe Regime (1980- )
- The Gukurahundi
- Eckhardt: 2,000 civ. (Political violence, 1983)
- 2 March 2002 Guardian: up to 20,000 k in 1984 [http://www.guardian.co.uk/Distribution/Redirect_Artifact/0%2C4678%2C0-660287%2C00.html]
- 10 July 2000 Time: 5,000 Matabele and other dissidents [http://www.time.com/time/europe/magazine/2000/0710/zimbabwe.html]
- Grenada, US invasion (1983)
- USA: 18 (War Annual; Jan Rogozinski, A Brief History of the
Caribbean, 1994) or 19 (Marley) or 42 (B&J)
- Cubans: 24 (War Annual; Rogozinski) or 25 (Marley) or up to 70 (B&J)
- Granadian military: 60 (War Annual) or 45 (Marley) or 16
- TOTAL: 250 (B&J) or 102 (War Annual) or 89 (Marley) or 68
- Brazil (1985-94)
- Children murdered
- Dan Smith: 7,000, by death squads (1987-91; citing a parliamentary
- 1 Feb. 1994 Sun-Sentinel, Ft. Lauderdale: 5,000 murdered (1988-91)
by police, death squads, gangs, kin, etc.
- 29 Nov. 1991 Chicago Tribune: 2,000 by death squads in last 4
- 21 Nov. 1990 San Fran. Chronicle: 1081 k. by death squads,
1985-89, in Rio de J.
- 6 Sept. 1990 Toronto Star: 457 in 3 cities "last year"
by death squads, citing Amnesty Int.
- Yanomami Indians
- In the face of murder and oppression, the population of the Yanomamis
declined by some 1,000 to 2,000 between 1987 and 1991, and now stands at around
7,500. (6 Sept 1990 Reuters; 17 Oct 1991 Los Angeles Times; 4
Oct 1990 Latin America Weekley Report)
- Paraguay (1989)
- overthrow of Stroessner
- 23 April 1997 Baltimore Sun: 500 soldiers k.
- 3 Feb. 1989 LA Times: 250 people k.
- 7 Feb. 1989 Washington Post: 300 k.
- Romania (1989)
- Overthrow of Communism
- War Annual 4: 4,000
- WPA3: 4,000
- 27 Dec. 1989 LA Times: 1,000+ (not more, as reported earlier)
- Encyclopedia Americana (2003), "Romania": 1,000
- SIPRI 1990: 750-1100
- Panama, US invasion (1989)
- B&J: 550
- Chicago Tribune, 31 March 1993
- The documentary, The Panama Deception, "asserts that thousands
of civilians were killed".
- However: "[N]o organization in Panama has been able to document more
than the official estimates of about 500 deaths, including 300 civilians."
- The Panama Deception: >4,000 civilians [http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article4078.htm]
- Chomsky (1991), civilian deaths:
- Official US: 202
- Physicians for Human Rights + Americas Watch: 300
- Exhumed graves: 600
- NY Times, 1 Apr. 1990: 673
- Costa Rican press citing human rights groups: >2,000
- Joint delegation of CODEHUCA + CONADEHUPA:
2,000 - 3,000
- Mexican press citing 2 Catholic bishops: 3,000
- Marley
- USA: 23
- Pan. military: 297
- Civilians: 500
- TOTAL: 820
- Our Times, citing Pentagon numbers
- USA: 23
- Pan. military: 57
- Civilians: 459
- TOTAL: 539
- HRW: 300 civilians [http://www.hrw.org/reports/1991/panama/]
- Official Pentagon death toll:
- Panamanian military
- 11 Jan. 1990: 314
- March 1990: 50
- Civilians: 202
- War Annual 4
- USA: 23
- Panamanian military: 293
- Civilians: up to 700
- TOTAL: up to 1016
- Washington Post, 11 June 1992
- Official Pentagon death toll:
- US: 23
- Panamanian military: 314
- Civilians: 202
- TOTAL: 539
- Panama Human Rights Commission:
- Pan. military: 57
- Civilians: 183
- Undetermined: 83
- Disappeared: 80
- TOTAL: 403
- AVERAGE (Civilian Death Toll): Of these 14 estimates, the MEDIAN is
500-600. The MEAN is 1,166.
- China (1989)
- Tienamen Square
- Encarta: 3-5,000
- 21 June 1989 NY Times: Early estimates of 2600-3000 without basis. Survey
of hospitals indicates about a dozen soldiers/policemen killed + 400-800
- Hammond: "initial reports ... of 3,000, later revised to 400-800."
- Rwanda (1990)
- 13 Oct. 1990 St. Louis Post-Dispatch: 1,000 civilians killed by
govt. troops
- Moldova (1990-97)
- Civil War
- CDI: 1,000 (1991-97)
- B&J: >800 (1990-92)
- 9 May 1993 Fort Worth Star-Telegram: 800
- Kenya (1991- )
- Ethnic Clash
- CDI: 1,500 (1991-95)
- Dan Smith: 2,000 (1992-94)
- Ploughshares 2000: 4,500
- Haiti (1991-94)
- Cedras coup and aftermath:
- CDI: 3,000 k.
- 22 March 92 Toronto Star: 1,500
- Refugees drowned fleeing coup:
- 5 July 1994 Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel: 1,000
- 8 July 94 Intepress: 5,000
- Egypt (1992-)
- Muslim Brotherhood vs. Govt.
- Ploughshares 2000: 1,300
- 23 May 1999 Denver Rocky Mtn News: 1,200
- India (1992 et seq.)
- Riots between Hindus and Moslems
- 1992 Ayodha mosque
- 2 March 2002 AP: 2,000
- 2 March 2002 Irish Times: >2,000 k.
- 1 March 2002 National Post: >3,000 (1992-93)
- 1993 Bombay: >800 (2 March 2002 AP; 4 April 2002 Montreal
- 2002 Gujerat: >800 (4 April 2002 Montreal Gazette)
- Pakistan, Sindh War (1992- )
- Dict.Wars: 5,000
- Ploughshares 2000: 4-5,000
- Peru-Ecuador War (1995-97)
- Albania (1997)
- Chaos following collapse of economy: 1,500 (Chicago Tribune, 27 June 1997)
- Mexican-American Border (1997- )
- 1,013 illegal migrants found dead along Mex-Am border Oct 1997-June 2001 [http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d01842.pdf]
- Iraq (1998)
- Punitive bombing by USA
- The official US estimates were announced 9 Jan. 1999, but I'm not sure the
press was paying attention. They all agree that the low was 600 Iraqis killed,
but the high was variously reported as 1,200 (Christian Science Monitor),
1,600 (NY Times, Montreal Gazette) or 2,000 (Buffalo News, Houston
Chronicle). There also seems to be some confusion over whether the 600+
contains all types of Iraqi military, or just Republican Guards. And to further
cloud the issue, I've seen articles (not cited here) which give these numbers as
"casualties" (Which technically includes wounded.)
- Indonesia (1998)
- May riots in Jakarta: 1,190 k. (23 Dec. 1998 Washington Post)
- Brazil, police killings (1998-99)
- HRW [http://www.hrw.org/wr2k1/americas/]: In Sao
Paolo State, police killed 525 civilians in 1998 and 664 in 1999. Autopsies
suggest that ca. 1/3 were shot in back or multiple times.
- 24 Oct. 1999 Guardian: In state of Rio, police killed 700+ in 1998.
- Kashmir (1999)
- Kargil War, India vs. Pakistan
- 1999/7/6 CNN: 1,100
- Ploughshares 2000, citing
- US State Department
- Indian soldiers: 524
- Pakistani soldiers: 696 (early, partial)
- InterPress Service: > 2,000 troops k

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Last updated Oct. 2010
Copyright © 1998-2010 Matthew White